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Aucun message portant le libellé _Capsule tech. Windward. Afficher tous les messages

21 avr. 2014

Capsule technique - Martinique (Ste. Anne) - Formalités

Nos amis de La Jeannoise nous avisent que nous pouvons maintenant faire nos formalités directement à Ste-Anne en allant au "Snack Chez Boubou" à gauche près de l'église. Donc plus besoin d'aller au Marin. Un autre gros plus pour Ste-Anne.

13 déc. 2013

Capsule Technique - Nouveau membre de SailClear

Et oui la famille SailClear s'agrandi de nouveau.
Le dernier membre à se joindre au système de pré-arrivé/pré-départ est:


Espérons que la famille continuera de s'agrandir pour le plus grand plaisir des navigateurs


Service Currently Available

Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
British Virgin Islands
Turks and Caicos Islands

Pour en savoir plus, consulter le lien suivant: Sailclear

31 oct. 2013

Capsule technique - Martinique (St-Pierre) - Zone de non ancrage

St-Pierre officialise une zone où l'ancrage est interdit. Pour plus d'information, télécharger ce document (en anglais) présenté par CaribbeanCompass dans son numéro d'octobre 2013.

St-Pierre (zone non ancrage)

Voici les points:

Waypoint Lat Long
STPier-Buoy0 14°44.506 N 061°10.635 W
STPier-Buoy1 14°44.635 N 061°10.688 W
STPier-Buoy2 14°44.367 N 061°10.954 W
STPier-Buoy3 14°44.205 N 061°10.748 W
STPier-Buoy0 14°44.506 N 061°10.635 W

23 août 2013

Capsule technique: Formalités à Carriacou

Prenez note que dorénavant vous devez faire vos formalités d'entrée et de sortie à Tyrrel Bay plutôt qu'à Hillsborough. Le bureau est situé près du boat yard au sud de la baie et un dinghy dock est situé tout près.

7 août 2012

Nouveauté: Grenada (services & sentiers)

Vous trouverez 2 nouveaux liens pour consulter une carte personnalisée
  • Le premier traite des différents services dans la section sud de l'île de Grenade
  • Le second traite des sentiers de marches que nous avons découvert
Pour les consulter aller dans la section "Guide, Revues, Net" sous notre banière Prana ou suivre ce lien

PS.: Je devrais rendre disponible des cartes similaires pour les Vierges, St-Martin, Tobago...

23 juill. 2012

Capsule technique: Grenade - Importer des pièces

Capsule technique:

Pour ceux qui désirent recevoir des pièces à Grenade ou les rapporter avec eux lors de leur retour en avion, voici la procédure selon Grenada Marine.

Importing Yacht Spares

Currently “ship’s stores” are listed as duty-free, but a mandatory customs service charge of 2.5% of the CIF value is levied by Customs and Excise.

In order to qualify for duty-free concessions, a C-14 form must be completed and submitted to customs, along with a copy of the boats registration and the boat’s entry papers in to Grenada (crew list). Grenada Marine can assist you with preparation of these C-14 forms for a nominal charge of US$10 per form.

(1) For items being sent by shipper/courier

In addition to the C-14, customs import documentation and a fair amount of leg-work is also required in order to clear the packages and Grenada Marine engages the services of an independent customs broker to process this paperwork. Please note that once the paperwork is submitted to Customs it can take anywhere from 3-14 days for the paperwork to be approved and the package released. The length of time this takes is beyond the control of either Grenada Marine or our broker.

Incoming items should have the following as the shipping address: YOUR-BOAT-NAME, Vessel in Transit, c/o Grenada Marine, Corinth, St. David’s, Grenada, West Indies. Shipping and courier companies do not deliver packages to the boat yard, regardless of what their agents abroad may tell you. Please ensure that original invoices accompany all packages. Please fax a copy of the invoice/receipt for the goods, as well as the waybill or shipping documents to the Grenada Marine Office so that the paperwork can be prepared. Our fax number is +473 443-1668.

We strongly recommend that you use well-established courier agents, IN PARTICULAR Federal Express, who has a special arrangement with the Customs Dept for “pre-delivery” of items. This means that FedEx will often release the item while the paperwork is in process, shortening the waiting time.

(2) For items you may be traveling with

If you are bringing items in Grenada by air, you will need to fax us copies of all invoices AS WELL AS information about the flight you are returning on. We will need to have a taxi, more than likely the one that will be picking you up, bring the prepared C-14 to the airport to coincide with your arrival so that you can proceed through customs unimpeded. This one is a little tricky to co-ordinate so we will require plenty of notice. Please ensure that you are carrying the original invoices for the items.

If you will have alternative transport, then we may have to charge a small fee for delivering the paperwork to the airport. Clients can also leave the items in the custody of the Customs Dept at the airport and return [the following day] with the prepared C-14. In either case please ensure that original invoices and receipts are available and that the boat name is listed CLEARLY where possible.


Please note that items new or repaired under warranty must:
  • show the value/actual cost of the item or the value/actual cost of the repairs;
  • certify that the item is repaired under warranty at no cost to you the client
  • show the cost of freight. This is the amount that the customs dept will use to assess the 2.5% customs service charge payable.
Please note that the major cause of delays with processing customs paperwork usually stems from a problem with the invoices or bills so please remember:
  • Accompanying invoices must state the boat’s name and must be originals;
  • Invoices must be in EC, TT, CDN, BDS or US currency;
  • Invoices must be “formal” ie: not handwritten or visibly altered;
  • All invoices must have a stated value for customs;
  • Having faxed or emailed copies of the invoices beforehand is vital.


 Grenada Marine’s Freight Forwarder Information (if required)

Tropical Shipping

 Miami LCL Cargo Facility

 9505 NW 108th Ave., Medley, FL 33178

 Phone: 305.805.7400 / Fax: 305.805.7661

 Hours: M – F, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.